Thursday, November 02, 2006


the only good thing about the work marathon in which i am currently engaged is that i have lost ten pounds of excess weight.

my back is fucking annihilated and i hate the negative feelings that ceaselessly ride the coattails of arriving home and realizing that my next shift lurks nanoseconds away; however, as much as this endless shift encompasses endless shit i feel more physically robust and sleep seems far more restorative. i have no doubt the two are inextricably intertwined.

ive also noticed that my sex drive is more intense than a priest's at a boy scout convocation. if that aint incentive to eat a little less rub-a-dub-dub every day then my name aint tikitikitembonosarembocharibarirucipipperipembo.

i wonder how energized i will feel if my weight drops to 200. my stomach tells me steak is god's gift to man. my doctor tells me 200 is a magic number.

maybe some semblance of salvation lies within.


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