Thursday, August 03, 2006


"eighty-eight cents a cantaloupe? whats wrong with them?" she asked.

asian bird flu. hanta virus. shrapnel. measles mumps rubella. exxon. diarrhea. hindenburg. sewage. chernobyl. sweatshop. ebola. ricin. gangrene. staph. olestra. razor blade. arsenic. ipecac. e. coli. chairman mao. grenade.

"nothing," i said.

"give me a good one!" she demanded.

fuck you. blow me. up yours. screw you. piss off. eat me. die.

"enjoy," i said, forking one over that was guaranteed to suck.


Blogger mindy said...

will they ever learn?

8:27 AM  
Blogger megaton said...

ive had the same customers ask me the same questions like clockwork for over thirteen years.

if a customer cant figure out how to select a good cantaloupe after ive explained it four hundred times they will never grasp the concept.

i can only imagine how these folks deal with daily events that involve just a smidgeon of complexity.

9:05 PM  

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