Thursday, September 14, 2006


rev. donald wildmon, head of the american family association, is a fucking asshole.

he wants the two million members of his colostomy bag association to file fcc complaints because cbs recently aired a 9/11 documentary in which firefighters audibly scream naughty words.

lewis black was absolutely correct when he said that “theres no such thing as bad language.” we use words like “fuck” and “shit” because they adequately express sentiments that other words simply cannot attain.

when we lose a job we don’t snap our fingers in a sweeping crescent motion while screaming “crumbs!” we are fucking pissed fucking off and we fucking want remediation as fucking quickly as fucking possible.

furthermore, as bill maher pointed out last week on hbo’s “real time,” what were 9/11 rescue workers supposed to say as a commercial airliner containing 11,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed at five hundred miles an hour into a skyscraper filled with thousands of human beings? “golly! a frickin’ plane just smashed into the tower!”

gimme a fucking break.

reverand motherfucker wildmon commented “during the course of the program, cbs affiliates chose to broadcast multiple obscenities over the public airwaves at a time they knew children would be watching."

listen carefully you fucking moron:

programs chronicling the hellish events of september 11th are not intended for children.

for the benefit of assholes like wildmon ill unleash the gospel once again: “documentaries of the 9/11 nightmare are not appropriate for children.

people who are genuinely concerned about the emotional and psychological welfare of their young children don’t show them horrific crime scene photos or plop them in front of the television to watch saving private ryan; likewise, responsible parents dont let their kids witness mass murder on live television.

the reverand seems to have entirely lost sight of the bigger, far more important picture. "traditional values" is a bullshit phrase as well as a maligned juxtaposition. the most important human values are timeless and have nothing to do with tradition; rather, they perenially encompass empathy, compassion, kindness and a willingness to help others in times of need. firefighters screamed “fuck!” because they saw other humans in extreme peril and that’s how they viscerally expressed their extraordinary concern.

you want to know the difference between assholes like you and heroes, reverand wildmon?

after blurting the word “fuck,” rescue workers ran into burning buildings to selflessly assist their fellow human beings. you ran into the fcc building to selfishly assist your image.

shame on you, you fucking asshole.


Blogger iamfallingfromgrace said...

you would think that FUCKING assholes like that would have better things to do with their FUCKING time...i guess not...i guess that's what makes him a FUCKING asshole....

This goes out to him...

by the way....i FUCKING love cbs now....

1:35 PM  
Blogger mindy said...

i really don't know what to say about this.. i'm really fucking shocked that anyone would say that.
yeah, what children are watching this?? i hope that jaron doesn't see this for a long, long time. i wish i hadn't seen it.
and the american family association.. i believe dr. james dobson is a part of this cult (you know, that claims spongebob squarepants is gay)and i loathe him.

7:40 AM  

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